Acting on behalf of a private landlord London Clancy has sold the investment of 10 Ridgeway Parade, Church Crookham.
The premises comprising a total of 675 sq ft of ground floor retail/ancillary space let to a long established takeaway business as well as a first and second floor maisonette have been sold on a long leasehold basis.
The shop premises trading as Happy Fountain renewed for a term of 21 years, expiring 28th September 2034 with 3 year upwards only rent review patterns and without break options. The current passing rent is £16,100 per annum exclusive (including the current ground rent).
The quoting price was £240,000 for the freehold interest.
“We were delighted by the level of interest generated in this small lot and encouraged by the price achieved which clearly reflected the unbroken term remaining and 3 year review pattern,” reported Russell Ware of London Clancy.
For more details contact:
Russell Ware