Having worked on both sides of the fence with and for Curchod & Co I can confirm that they run an efficient, friendly business and are very experienced and tenacious.
Thurlestone Parade Shepperton Middlesex

The challenge
Curchod & Co were appointed to manage this retail parade with residential flats above in Shepperton in Middlesex. Curchod & Co’s Property Manager identified the potential to redevelop the building and create additional flats on the roof. This then led to Curchod & Co being asked to serve notice on the residential tenancies to enable the redevelopment of the site. Our objective was to ensure a smooth transition with the Section 21 Notices (4a) being served to the AST tenants, managing the vacation of the upper parts and managing the expectations of the commercial tenants through the redevelopment works. Curchod & Co were ultimately responsible for ensuring that AST notices were served correctly, and tenants vacated as required under the terms of the Section 21 Notice and their Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement, so major work could commence.

Our approach
Once the start date of the works was set, Curchod & Co prepared a report for the client noting the Section 21 Notice dates for each AST tenant to vacate. We then communicated the redevelopment plans with all of the tenants before serving notices and over the next few months assisted them in moving out. This even included sourcing and purchasing on the client’s behalf another flat (off site) for one of the tenants to move to so as to enable the works to go ahead in a timely fashion and avoid further delays due to court proceedings.

The result
All six residential tenants vacated the site within 4 months of the Section 21 Notices being served which allowed for the redevelopment works to commence on time as set out by the client, architect & builder. The redevelopment of Thurlestone Parade into Katrina House significantly increased the value of our clients asset and the rental return being received. Curchod & Co continue to manage this asset along with a number of others which are all owned by the same client.